Welcome to ASCO
Welcome to Agricultural Services Certified Organic (ASCO), organic certification specialists. We are accredited by the USDA-National Organic Program to certify operations that wish to market their products as organic in the following areas: Crop Production, Handler/Processor, Livestock, and Wild Crops.
We provide continuing education and skilled guidance for our clients. Attention to detail and personal service with integrity are commitments at ASCO. We further aid our certified clients by advocating for laws and policies that advance organic agriculture through active memberships in associations and committees.
Join the ASCO team and let us give you the proven ASCO advantage for your organic certification needs.

In December of 2000, the USDA adopted regulations establishing the National Organic Program (NOP). These regulations require that persons selling products labeled as “organic” shall comply with these standards. The NOP has authorized Agricultural Services Certified Organic (ASCO) to certify those who wish to market their products as “organic”. ASCO will meet with prospective clients and provide orientation and guide them through the process of organic certification.
Our Services

Organic Certification
ASCO staff and inspectors are knowledgeable, and experienced individuals with a combined experience of over 100 years in conventional and organic agriculture.

Organic Transitional Verification Program

Materials Verification Programs
ASCO engages in Materials Verification for certified operations seeking material approval for products that are not currently listed with an NOP Recognized Material Organization (RMO).